shani shanti

According to religious beliefs, Shani shanti has been given the post of a judge in astrology. It is believed that Shani Dev gives the result of every good and bad act of man. Therefore, when the condition of Saturn starts, or good day, the good or bad days of the person begin and those who have actions like that have to suffer the same fate.
shani shanti ke upay

But if Shani is pleased, all the miseries of the person are dispelled and his good times start. Therefore, today we are going to tell you some such solutions which Shani Dev is pleased with. These measures can be done on any Saturday.
On Saturday, take a bath and wear clean white clothes. After this, mix saffron, sandalwood, rice and flowers in the root of Peepal. After that light the lamp of sesame oil and chant the following mantra.
Mantra: Age: Prajna Dhanan Grains Good luck to Sarasampandam
Devi Dev Mahavrkhand surrenders as follows:
Vishwai Vishweshwaraya Vishvapayee Vishvataye Govindai Namo Namah:
After this, Peepal's sunglasses, lighting the lamp and lighting the aarti. Add the remaining water to the house and sprinkle it too. With this remedy, Shani is happy, along with all the negative powers of the house also run away.

On Friday night, soak 100 grams of black gram in three different utensils. In the next morning, after retiring from Bath-meditation, worshiping Shani Dev. After this, take a glance in the mustard oil of black gram and enjoy Shani Dev and pray for redress of your problems. Now feeding the first kilogram of the first pot of rice to the buffalo. Donate to other leftover kilo-gram leprosy and feed the other five kilograms of chickpeas with the third pot. With this remedy, Shani is pleased immediately and luck becomes favorable.
shani shanti kaise kare

On Saturday morning, after retiring from bath etc., worshiping Shani Dev and anointed with black sesame oil mixed with mustard oil. After that, remembering Shani's 108 names, pray to Shani to remove his pain. This leads to a bigger crisis, and the sum total of desire for fulfillment of desires is started.
shani shanti pooja

After worshiping Hanumanji on Saturday, mix them with vermilion in jasmine oil and offer Chola. By offering the flowers of red roses, enjoy the fragrance of the thorns, as well as the perfume of Kewade on both shoulders of Hanumanji. After worshiping Hanumanji, remove his pain and pray for happiness and prosperity. This remedy also provides quick relief. If the problem is very large, then you can do this solution continuously every Saturday until the problem is completely overcome.
Grind urad pulse and make dough. Tie this dough and knead the dough and feed the fish by making small pellets of this dough.

Insert sugar and flour for ants in the place where the black ants appear bills around the house or any temple. Soon the problem is resolved.
On Saturday, make an iron ring with a black horse nail or sea boat key. Put this ring in sesame oil and after chanting 23,000 of Saturn, wear in the middle finger. This remedy has a special advantage in Saturn's condition. On Saturday, donate a donkey (Saturn's donor) by filling sesame oil in a bronze bowl and looking at your face in it. Also, in a black cloth give black urad, fifty kilograms of grain, two laddus, fruits, black coal and iron nails and give it to Dakot. Also give some dakshina also. These measures can be done on any other Saturday.

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